how to start a babysitting service

by Julianna, Hannah, Hannah and Olivia
(Tecumseh Ontario canada)

We watched a teen business video and we decided to try to start up our own. Myself and three of my close friends have come to an idea that we would like to establish our own babysitting service for summer time of next year. We have one in particular question, we're wondering just how to create a business in general, do we need a license, insurance etc. We hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much
-Julianna Spirou

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Dec 16, 2016
How to start it up NEW
by: KAt

So I tried to set up a business exactly like this but being timid I didn't even try but you can definatly go for it! I made business cards including a phone number and email adress and would have given them to people I know for example people at my church. Then words spread by mouth and of course people can take your details and pass them on. Generally adults prefer to have someone they know look after their children so this is most likely your target market. I almost set up a page to show others when i am free but that is dangerous as people can see where you are at all times so DON'T do this but always have a private calendar on hand when talking to potential customers. Good Luck I hope this helps. You don't need qualification if the person knows and trusts you already and if they really did you can either give them what you have already done or just be honest that you don't have any but you can give them reference from people you have served

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