Easy Money for Teens
Finding easy money for teens is getting easier with the internet. We can now connect with buyers and sellers from all over the world from the comfort of our own rooms to trade with. Here’s a couple of interesting methods I found.
is a new startup that is essentially a marketplace of services you can buy or sell for $5. Offer to
dance in a hot dog costume to the song of the buyers choice for example...
or spend $500 getting the same guy to dance the same song one hundred times.
Have some fun with this, but do try and profit in the long run and not spend your savings on making people do silly stuff ;-)
You’ve probably got a lot of junk that you really don’t want or need. Books, old games, unwanted DVDs...
Most people will suggest a garage sale (bad idea - not enough buyers means low prices and profit). Some people will suggest eBay for selling unwanted junk (so-so idea - lots of buyers but lots of competitors too in the ‘unwanted junk’ arena).
I’d suggest using Amazon.
You know those ‘New and Used’ listings on a product pages - you can list your stuff there. The thing about Amazon, is the prices are typically slightly higher, and they have a generous shipping charge for the non-Amazon sellers. That means you get more profit... usually.
You could also try selling locally using a service like
the free classifieds websites. These tend to involve meeting the buyer in person and exchanging cash - however, these classifieds sites
do have some scammers on them.
Compare used prices of your items on eBay and Amazon beforehand. Take a look at their sales fees which they charge on each sale before deciding who to list your site on.
Newspapers and subscribers like to have their papers distributed quickly and cheaply. Typically this becomes a kids or teenagers job before or after school. Its easy money, especially if you have a bike, and all you really have to do is phone them up or email them saying where you’d be able to cover and if there are any jobs going.
Start by finding your nearest paper:
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